
Broker Reviews

Broker reviews play a pivotal role for traders seeking to find a reliable intermediary to access the Forex market. However, discerning authentic information from misleading noise is of paramount importance in this process. 

A Guide for Traders in Choosing a Forex Intermediary

Feedback on broker websites serves as a tool for reputation management, capable of shaping or distorting the perception of brokers beyond reality. The influx of unreliable information is often exacerbated by novice traders who, due to their limited understanding of trading, share opinions that seldom reflect the truth. 

Deciphering genuine insights about the top brokers in Russia through reviews can be a challenging endeavor. Not all that is written can be taken at face value. Hence, each trader must adopt the rule of thumb: upon encountering information about a broker, verify its authenticity before accepting it as fact. 

Ordered customer reviews about brokers and the art of spotting them: Who is behind the creation of fake reviews about brokers? 

These fraudulent reviews typically fall into two categories: 

  • Legitimate brokers operating legally but offering less favorable trading conditions. 
  • Scammers looking for a quick score. Most Forex scams avoid sustained presence; they would rather establish a new website to perpetuate their schemes afresh. 

So, how can one differentiate genuine client reviews from mere manipulation? The key lies in attentive reading. Four telltale signs point to reviews being orchestrated: 

  • Lack of specific information: Authors lavish praise upon brokers without citing concrete figures or data, often accompanied by an excessive display of emotions. 
  • Overly formal author identity: If you come across reviews extolling the virtues of the best broker, attributed to individuals with full names like Igor Ivanovich Ivanov or Irina Vladislavovna Komarova, it’s almost a guarantee that they are not authentic. Genuine reviewers opt for pseudonyms. 
  • Unrealistic profit claims: Beware of reviews boasting of monthly million-dollar earnings or double-digit daily profits. Such claims are indicative of falsehoods. Real trading is arduous and meticulous, and it doesn’t yield exorbitant profits as claimed by these reviewers. 
  • Multiple positive reviews in a short timeframe: If numerous reviews suddenly appear on the same day, they are likely fabricated. This holds true, especially when these reviews surface immediately after negative ones. It’s an attempt to counterbalance the cascade of criticism. 

To ensure that trading reaps profits, it’s crucial to be adept at identifying genuine broker reviews. Broker websites are not the place to look; they filter out criticism and moderate only positive comments, frequently devoid of any real-world correlation. 

One should be skeptical of platforms that unequivocally favor certain Forex brokers while disparaging others. Such platforms lack objectivity and can lead traders astray. 

So, how does one gauge the best broker in Russia based on reviews? Genuine insights can be gleaned from: 

  • Independent platforms where real clients share their opinions. 
  • Trading-focused forums where counterfeit reviews are quickly debunked in the comments. 

Keep in mind that both positive (complimentary toward scammers) and negative reviews (harsh criticism) can be manipulated. Even the best broker in Russia might receive adverse reviews orchestrated by competitors resorting to underhanded tactics. 

Real broker reviews in 2023 come from both novices and experts. What distinguishes them?

Trading is a complex endeavor requiring an array of skills and hard work. The “kitchen” of deception around Forex often portrays it as an easy path to profits, enticing thousands of unprepared individuals who ultimately end up with losses. 

Those who stumble upon adversity in trading often write reviews, cautioning that Forex is a scam, and the broker they dealt with is a fraud. 

Disheartened newcomers often fail to acknowledge their own mistakes and instead blame the broker or the market for their losses. Their reviews should not be taken seriously, as they lack the objectivity needed to provide a fair assessment. 

Important note: Exceptions do exist. If a review warns that a certain Forex broker is preventing withdrawals, it’s likely written by a victim of a scam. This information should be given more credence than complaints about a seemingly unprofitable broker who supposedly hindered one’s path to riches. Issues with withdrawals are a clear red flag for fraud. 

It’s crucial to recognize that professional traders rarely share their opinions online. Yet, their reviews are invaluable in identifying the best brokers in Russia or anywhere else. They focus on practical matters: 

  • Trading conditions 
  • Asset offerings 
  • Execution speed 
  • Slippage frequency 

Sometimes, these professionals might recommend their own brokers, but they never claim that one broker suits everyone. 

In conclusion, honest broker reviews serve as a guide in choosing a suitable intermediary. To ensure a well-informed decision, evaluate comprehensively. Scrutinize documents, company history, trading conditions, open a demo account, and test trading positions. This approach will allow you to make an informed judgment on whether to embark on this trading journey.

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It’s impossible to make money here, the entry threshold is high, and they also add commissions. Some dubious payment systems, additionally they steal money. Scam!



A suspicious company, I think it’s better not to register here, you’ll only lose money.



We couldn’t make money, they constantly called and asked for money, when they stopped replenishing the account, they immediately canceled everything and disappeared. There is no connection with them.

Altera Invest


It's strange that this sharaga hasn't been blocked yet. It’s obvious that it’s a scam, without documents yet.



Sharaga is ordinary! Only people are deceived and blackmailed. How have they not been blocked yet!?



It’s good that they blocked them, otherwise they would have cheated a lot of people out of money.

MMK Finance


There is no chance of making money with them. Strange guys, they only demand money, zero income.



Some kind of sham, their website is strange, nothing is clear. It is immediately obvious that they simply want to confuse people.



This company immediately seemed suspicious to me, so I didn’t invest, and I did the right thing.



My brother was deceived here, he is an inexperienced trader, he trusted these crooks and gave them more than 2k bucks. Is there a chance to get the money back?



I have already seen such projects, they are just another clones, there are many of them. They just cheat and disappear.



MyFundedFX is a sucker! I recently tried to withdraw money from there, but it didn’t work out. It's good that I dropped it a little.

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