
Privacy policy

This website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) guarantees the confidential storage of personal data for every registered user (hereinafter referred to as the “User”). The collection, storage, and organization of this data are exclusively carried out for the following purposes: 

  • Communication Organization: User’s personal data is used to send notifications, requests, and messages based on their activity on the Site, within the context of the Site’s interests. 
  • Access to Site Functionality: Users can create their own accounts for convenient interaction with the Site’s administration (hereinafter referred to as the “Administration”) and other Users. They can post comments under publications, comment on other Users’ opinions, upload their own informational materials, and use other available features on the Site. 
  • Protection Against Fraud: User data helps reduce the risk of Users using the Site for negative promotion, fraudulent projects, or unethical business practices. This includes the use of fabricated comments and publications. 
  • Compliance with International Laws: The Site adheres to current legal norms accepted internationally and in the country where it is registered. This includes combating the dissemination of prohibited or restricted information. 

Personal data of all Site Users are securely protected. They can only be shared with third parties in cases prescribed by legal norms at the international level or by the country where the Site is registered. 

Any requests from law enforcement or other authorities must be submitted officially and only in relation to citizens of the represented country. In other cases, access to Users’ personal data will be denied. 

Users have the right to request the deletion of all data collected by the Site about them. However, this is only possible if the User discontinues using the Site. 

Notice Regarding Management of Users’ Personal Data

The Site’s Administration recommends that Users exercise maximum responsibility in relation to personal data. Each User is fully responsible for the consequences when they voluntarily disclose personal information, such as in comments or publications. 

Users should understand that any personal data they share can be accessed by anyone who reads their messages. This also applies to correspondence with other Users. The Site is not responsible for personal data disclosed in such correspondences, articles, or comments by participants, authors, or commenters. 

Everyone who registers on the Site and publishes personal data acknowledges that these data can be used by malicious actors for purposes such as exerting pressure, deception, or involvement in fraudulent schemes. Therefore, the Site strongly recommends a responsible approach to managing personal data. Do not disclose them if you are unaware of the risks. Do not share them with unverified organizations or individuals who cannot confirm the legitimacy of their requests. Scammers can pose as anyone from a broker’s victim to their representative or the police. 

Assistance to Users in Dealing with Information and Personal Data

The Site’s staff consists of specialists in various investment directions and other activities that allow earning online: both active and passive income. 

The Site’s specialists are ready to share their experience, information, and knowledge about trading and investment with Users. This knowledge varies in form and complexity. Users will receive a wide range of information, from basic materials and general descriptions to key features and specifics of different financial activities. 

The Site provides materials for mass use and an opportunity for personalized training in chosen areas of investment and trading. This can minimize losses in the initial stages and increase the chances of significant income in the future. 

How the Site Assists Beginner Traders

The Site helps newcomers avoid mistakes commonly made by traders at the start of their journey. The provided information will help users preserve their finances for more effective use in the future. 

The materials on the Site help users learn how to manage their own investments correctly. They can choose projects with prospects for good returns and controlled, predictable, and reasonable risks. 

Users of the Site should understand that there is no one-size-fits-all success formula. Every trader and investor must find their own path, strategy, and approach. The informational materials on the Site can expedite this process with fewer risks and greater effectiveness. 

Why Professional Support is Crucial

Statistics show that out of 100% of novice traders, only 20% retain their capital a year after starting trading. Only 5% of beginners achieve moderate and stable profits after 2–3 years. 

Such statistics are common in many types of financial activities in the realm of investments and speculative trading. This is particularly true for online trading and investing. 

The fundamental reasons for the high attrition rate among novice traders are: 

  • a sharp lack of information and experience;  
  • excessive expectations from speculative and investment activities. 

Many individuals struggle to make effective decisions under stressful situations where time is of the essence.
Our Site addresses these issues. The goal is to minimize errors that can wipe out one’s deposit. What do the experts at the Site do? 

  • Every day, they work on expanding and improving the knowledge and skills base.  
  • They help gain a universal experience that can be applied in various areas of investment activity.  

During the learning process, some Users come to realize that the trading and investment areas they’ve chosen don’t match their needs, abilities, or possibilities. This is also a positive outcome. Individuals switch to a different direction sooner, not wasting time on what doesn’t suit them. 

Each time the Site provides education on trading and investing, it gathers information about Users. It learns about personal characteristics, financial capabilities, and preferences. This helps tailor and offer the right approach to education. All data collected in this process are stored in strict accordance with the Privacy Policy.